Saturday, 28 April 2012

Trial of Mr Jack Smith - Procedure


1.     One week before the mock trial day, display public notices around the school informing people of the upcoming trial. Provide details of charges and location of trial e.g. in the school hall or a classroom

2.     Select an adult who has researched the area thoroughly and can give informed and accurate answers to questions that the students may raise on the day; this expert will be the named accused – Mr Jack Smith

3.     On the trial day; meet together as a group to introduce the learning intentions for the day and to consider the charges and see the evidence the prosecution will be presenting.

4.     Provide students with time table for the day, i.e., the time limits they have for each part of the activities

5.     Allocate different photographic evidence to different groups of children to discuss and raise questions on; if preferred students could select which photographs they wish to work on.

6.     Provide students with access to other sources of information e.g. history books, the internet or knowledgeable teachers and other adults

7.     Students in their groups consider each photograph in turn and raise questions they wish to ask about it. A PowerPoint handout could be used to record these.

8.     After the research and questions raising sessions, gather students in the ‘trial/ courtroom’.

9.     Arrange appropriate sitting places for students as the ‘Prosecuting team’ and put Mr Smith in the dock as the ‘defendant’

10.                        The judge introduces the case and indictment charges and invites Mr Smith to enter a plea ‘These are the charges, how do you plead, guilty or not guilty?’

11.                        Begin the ‘trial’. The prosecuting team states its case, presents its evidence and ask questions, to which Mr. Smith responds. Evidence includes photographic and eye witness accounts and other evidence.

12.                         The defence team presents its case using photographic and eye witness accounts and other evidence. Questions are put to Mr Smith.

13.                        Both sides sum up their case and urge the jury to find or acquit the defendant using emotive words.

14.                        Whole school jury vote on which side has presented the most overwhelming evidence to support its case

15.                        The defendant is acquitted or sentenced.

16.                        The jury is dismissed

17.                        The court proceeding is closed. 

Example of Public Notice 

The Trial of Mr Jack Smith the Colonial Industrialist will take place on Monday 18th of January in the year of our Lord 20_ _ at The Hague School hall. 

Mr Smith is charged with crimes against humanity and destructive actions against our Planet Earth 

The court will begin sitting at 8.45am. You are all invited to attend as good citizens of our world.

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