Sample questions to which
answers should be prepared before the trial begins.
What was your
reaction when you first set eyes on the rainforest?
What did you gain
by hacking through the rainforest?
Tell us what you
think the rainforest will look like in 50 to 100 years time from now.
Why have you got
all these elephants tusks in your store room?
What happened to
the elephants after you took the tusks off them?
As a colonialist,
name three African kingdoms you know? How would you describe their
effectiveness in meeting the needs of their people?
Why did you
replace the local ruling systems with your own?
How would you
describe the African Market in the photograph? Would you say this picture shows
a society ‘without history’? Tell us more.
What things have
you bought from an African market and how did you go about this?
Look at this
picture of the Nigerian engraver, would the words, enterprising and
industrious describe him? What other words would you use?
Look at these
Zulu girls they clearly like dressing up and looking good, they look very
fashionable I would say. Why did you describe them as ‘without culture?
Look at the
picture of the Kenyan mountain dwellers; do you see any sense in the way they
are dressed in relation to their local weather and the use of local materials
to build their houses? Expand on your answer.
Look at the
Somali Fuzzy – Wuzzy card players, it is claimed you replaced their cards with
your Monopoly board game, can you explain why you did this?
In one of your
books, you refer to the Nigerian Ibibio dancers as ‘South African Dancers, what
steps did you take to learn the names of the various tribes in Africa?
How would you
describe what this weaver and his wife are doing? Does the word ‘lazy’ describe
them? Why did you describe the indigenous people as lazy?
How useful would
you describe the African talking drums to the people? Why did you describe the
people as without industry?
If your country
was so great why did you have to emigrate to others?
The indigenous
people welcomed and respected you, believing in your god, why you did you treat
them so badly?
Is it true to say
that you only colonised these places to make money? Explain your answer.
Describe a
project you undertook to give back some of the money you made to the local
Have you heard of
the word ‘racist’ and does this word describe you and your actions?
The presiding judge (the
teacher or other adult) must keep reiterating points made during the trial; to
draw out the learning and lessons coming out for both sides of the argument.
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