Saturday 28 April 2012

Debating Rules

Debating Rules 

·       A debate has a specific subject called the ‘motion’ (e.g. “This house believes that spending money on space holidays while the rest of the world are starving is wrong and should be stopped.”) 

·       There are two speakers in a debate –

Ø One to propose the motion i.e. speak in favour of it

Ø One to oppose the motion i.e. to speak against it

·       The person speaking for the motion is the proposer 

·       The person speaking for the motion is the proposer 

·       The person speaking against the motion is the opposer 

·       The order of the debate is: 

1.    the proposer puts forward his or her point of view

2.    the opposer his or her point of view

3.    the audience asks questions

4.    the proposer sums up

5.    the opposer sums up

6.    the audience votes 

Ø The speakers in a debate must: 

· Know any relevant facts

· Support their point of view with evidence

·Have thought about what the other side may say and ‘knock down’ these arguments.

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